Measure for automatic and semi-automatic washing machines: Lightly soiled/light loads: 2.7 fl oz. (approx. 3/4 cap) 80 ml; Moderately soiled/regular loads: 3.72 fl oz. (approx. 1 cap) 110 ml; Heavily soiled/heavy loads: 4.73 fl oz. (approx. 1-1/4 cap) 140 ml. For Hand washing: 2 fl oz. (approx. 1/2 cap) 60 ml to 2.64 gal (10L) of water and dissolve completely. 2. Apply: For best results on stains, per- treat them by adding a small amount of the product directly to the stain, and rub in. 3. Add and wash: Add the recommended dose. If clothes were preheated, dosing won’t be necessary again.
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